2022-2023 Ecole Du Nord

  • Bullying continued

    This year as a final project to the chapter on “Bullying”, a group of 3e students dressed up “The Wall”“The Wall” is a wall of peace & love reminders.Hence the students wrote lines to raise awareness that…


      Le groupe d’allemand des 5ème B et C, se sont prêtés au jeu de reprendre la traditionnelle chanson « Mon beau Sapin » en version allemande !   Bravo à Dylan, Romane, Imani, Mathias, Shaan, Ulrich,…


    Rien de mieux en cette fin d’année que de créer du lien en s’amusant avant les vacances! Sortie des 3B à la plage Mont Choisy

  • Christmas village project CE2B & CE2E

    Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year is here.   Our CE2 pupils have been working on electricity during the EMILE classes. They have studied electrical circuits , conductors and insulators.   The final project was…


    In line with the chapter on Resources depletion and the school’s Eco-school ambition, students of the 5eme International Section and champions of Eco-know held a conference in the school so as to sensitize students and teachers. The…