• The Quest for the Holy Grail

    A few days ago, some of our bravest knights in 6e took part in a great adventure: an escape game which took them on a quest to find the Holy Grail. They had to show how well they…

  • 5è LCE Project – Australia

    To finish the year, the 5è LCE group has been practising the language throughout a new project: “3 cultural facts about Australia”.  They presented their project to their classmates who reacted back through questions or asking for…

  • I feel good

    Nous avions commencé à faire des percussions corporelles en classe et nous avons poursuivi pendant l’école à distance… Les CM2C, en zoom, c’est “I feel good” 😉✨🤩  

  • C’est les vacances

    L’année s’achève et nous sommes enfin en vacances …c’est les vacances, c’est les vacances! Un nouveau petit livre “live” pour retracer cette année de CE1D en présentiel , puis à distance, avec des élèves formidables qui ont…

  • Around the world

    In May and June, the pupils from CE2B travelled around the world.  They visited English speaking countries and learned about different cultures. First, they travelled to the capital city of England, London. 1. LONDON They learned about…